Excell Sum Column Up to a Criteria Then Start Summing Again Up to Another Criteria

84 comments to "5 means to sum a column in Excel"

  1. bambi says:

    is there a fashion to assign a number value to a letter and practice an auto sum from that?

  2. Janet says:

    Hullo Ryan,

    Thank you and then much for a very helpful postal service. I am creating a timesheet template but the total for the hours worked is incorrect. On the particular prison cell, I used the formula: =SUM(G5:G11), and it should give the full number of hours worked in a week. Not sure what I am not doing right, the data entries are in the class: hhmmss.

  3. Mike says:

    Is there a way to sum a cavalcade where every cell is the sum of 2 different cells? Every time I attempt it adds the formulas together and I end up with my original number.
    C3 =b2-b3
    C4 =b3-b4
    C5 =b4-b5
    If c6 is my total how exercise I get c3+c4+c5?
    Please forgive me I am extremely new to excel

    • Hi!
      You lot write virtually the sum in a jail cell, just the formulas decrease. You can likewise read well-nigh the Sum formula in this article.

  4. DIDI says:


  5. didi says:

    please i need someone to help. how tin i add this numbers in a single cell 2,3,4,5,6 to give me 20 and "5-eight" in a unmarried cell to give me 26

  6. aleena says:

    i want to apply autosum on multiple rows at a time, is there a way to do that ? on my huje spreadsheet i have to continue on doing information technology individually for every single column.

    • How-do-you-do!
      Please bank check out this article to acquire how to sum selected cells vertically and horizontally.
      I hope it'll be helpful.

  7. Kwasi Etor says:

    Hello, how volition you rename a default sheet

  8. Ian Swift says:

    I have a table where I have to add weekly team operation information throughout the year, calculation a new column each week for the new information. I have to bear witness 2 sets of data; dataset i is overall totals and the overall average and dataset two is totals for the last iv weeks and the average for the terminal 4 weeks. Are there formula I can use to automatically accommodate the additional columns,. at the moment I take to become in and manually accommodate the formula each week.

    • Hello!
      To calculate the sum past row in the last 4 columns use the formula


      I promise this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

  9. Tangeni says:

    When I'm using the sigma notationnto sum up I'chiliad simply getting 0 afterwards i press enter on my figurer.

  10. Anna Folio says:

    My microsoft excel document was ready for me by a business starting time up company to add profits from row E and subtract expenses from row I to automatically requite a running total in row J. I've used it without problems for many years, and today it's gone over £100,000 in row J, but instead of showing this amount, information technology's gone ######## Do yous know how I can get it to show the figure? It seems the threshold of what can be displayed has been limited to below this, as if I put in an expense that puts it beneath £100K it shows the amount again... I'd really capeesh any help, many thanks! PS I could alternatively copy and paste everything into a new certificate to keep the years separate, but it's useful having it all in one place...

    • Hello Anna!
      Try increasing the width of the cavalcade with this number. I retrieve this should help.

      • Anna Page says:

        Howdy Alexander,
        Many thanks for taking the time to reply with the simple solution of increasing the width of the column, it's much appreciated and it worked. Cheers once again!

  11. johnm says:

    I tin't get whatsoever of your solutions to work. Was working happily with Excel 2010 until I bought the latest version and at present I am really in the sh..house.
    It begins with the fact that a value of 25.10 is automatically converted to October 25 (except if I put a space in front of the number) and the Autosum button asks for the manual input of the range and and so enters 0,0 (not even 0.0) as the result.
    Is there a manner to go back to a previous version or simply click on the Σ as in the good old days?
    Best regards

  12. Denise says:

    Hi. My son has a new business concern repairing Hydraulic hoses,he has ready up a spreadsheet on his laptop with over 3,000 prices in column A.He needs to put a cost rise of half-dozen% on each toll.How can he do this automatically instead of ane by1 taking upwards hours of time and what formula can he apply.Thankyou

    • Hello Denise!
      I recommend using Excel Paste Special.
      Read more than in this guide.

  13. Clare says:

    I have a spreadsheet used to record expenses that has x50 rows today but will be added to on a daily footing. I want to be able to total the expense amount cavalcade and so that when I add together new rows, the "totals" formula at the bottom remains correct (ie I don't take to change the range every time I add new rows). I thought I could enter eg =SUM(B:B) and information technology would always total column B but information technology returns 0 every time! It works in other sheets but non this one! What am I doing wrong please? Cheers

    • Clare says:

      Update. I've formatted the column in question as "numbers". However, now when I enter the formula =SUM(B:B) it tells me that it'due south a circular reference!!!

    • Hello Clare!
      I recall your formula = SUM (B: B) is written in one of the cells in column B. Thus, it refers to itself, which is unacceptable. Did you ignore the warning that appeared when you wrote this formula? Write it in another column.
      I recommend using the Excel Tabular array to calculate the totals.

  14. Corine hashemite kingdom of jordan says:

    In column E I'thou adding And I take a few minuses how would I exercise that and still get a total accurately with the minuses and it

    • Hello Cornie!
      If I sympathise your trouble correctly, you want to summarize only positive values. To do this, use the SUMIF role. Read more on our weblog here.

  15. christine says:

    i had alphabet E and Due north in each row and i wan to sum how many E and how many N. Kindly help.

  16. Eric says:

    Here is my situation, whatsoever assist would be much appreciated!
    I have ii columns. Days of the Calendar week and #of Steps. How would I write a formula that gives me the total sum of the #of steps for a item solar day of the week?
    Then if I want the full number of steps for Monday only, how would I do this without selecting each individual cell?
    Thanks in advance!

  17. Rahul Khotkar says:

    Hey guys!
    This thread looks crawly. I am pretty certain I volition become my answer here -
    I have a cavalcade, say D. There are negative likewise as positive numbers in this cavalcade. I want the total of all negative numbers and put it in prison cell E4. How can I do that? Delight suggest.


  18. Ed says:

    None of these work for me. I am trying to full up a cavalcade that has numbers and messages in it. It is deejay space sizes that accept similar 13 GB for example in one of them. I presume the GB part is causing this non to work, but I come across no manner to remove the GB slice from the cavalcade without going through each cell manually and removing it.

  19. Nusrat Ullah says:

    hi I have problem in excel hope u will assistance me to solve

    I want to add together A Row1 and A Row2 and respond should be in B Row one and then on I want to apply the aforementioned formula to whole column that I only have to enter the information in upwardly comming cell answer should exist in next row ....

  20. Lizette says:

    How can I add together and subtract ii cells? For instance I desire A1 (add together and subtract) B1= C1? Both A1 and B1 are dollar amounts

    • Lizette says:

      A1 is my original corporeality and B1 is my final full which is college or lower everytime

  21. Ben says:

    I desire to do autosum in excel I have highlights all prison cell D and click the autosum information technology simply counts no average and no sum pls help

  22. Mike says:

    What formula can I employ to sum a column in Excel where the range is extracted from values in another ii cells.
    In the following instance, I want to sum column A between rows iii and 5 ie (18 + 24 + 31) = 73
    The required range is independent in cells B1 and B2
    A B
    1 12 3
    2 16 5
    3 18
    4 24
    5 31
    vi 39

    Whatever help appreciated!

  23. AT says:

    Which of the following formulas or functions are right? The fact that they may work in Excel is not enough ... they have to be correct usages! Y'all may refer to SIMbook or see the part definition in Excel. Retrieve what we discussed in grade …

    1) A1+B3+C14
    2) =SUM(A1:C3)
    3) =SUM(A1:A10) right
    four) =SUM(A1,B4,C4,D15) correct
    5) =SUM(A1+B4+C4+D15)
    6) =A1+B4+C4+D15
    7) =SUM(D3*A10)
    8) =SUM(A1-B3*ten)
    9) =A1-B3*x

  24. Joleen says:


    Something about Excel that bothers me. You sum a column, then it automatically takes yous back up to the elevation of the page, rather than leaving you at the Sum. Can y'all change this?


  25. surya singh says:

    Hullo All,

    I take a information of around 150 employees in one excel sheet , one later on the other

    i demand a formula or macro (Module) and so that i can notice subtotal of every employee (after every five or half-dozen row) and grand total of all employee after 150 employee

    what am doing correct now is manually adding formula (=SUM(K2:K5,K8:K12,K15:K21)

    and i want subtotal of K2:K5 at K6 then K8:K12 at k13 and K15:K21 at K22 hope this analyze my queries to you guys and practice answer on this thank you

  26. sampath says:

    tin can we get result(sum) in column b, where equally in column A is given every bit 4+ane+i is written.

    • Doug says:

      If the sum of 4+1+ane is in cell A1 then in the cell where you want to display this upshot enter =A1.

  27. govinda rao says:

    how to apply autosum for the below values, in excel sheet.

    • Doug says:

      Y'all've got to remove the /- characters from the cells before you lot can sum the values.
      Where the information is in cells A1 to cells A12,
      Select the cells, become to Find/Replace, then Replace "/-" with nix, after this is complete enter SUM(a1:a12) in the cell where you want to display the sum. The "ane,04,195" won't exist included in the functioning because it is not a number, information technology's text.

  28. helen says:

    I would like to add together say A6 to B6 but the next month add a new amount in A6 to B6 what will the formula be?

  29. klitjon says:

    i have a big probelm, i want to spread the sum in different celle.
    ex: the sum is 45, and this sum i desire to spread in celle A4 A8 A12 ( to do this only selected the celle).


  30. Manuel says:

    Skilful day, here my dilemma, I would like to add F8 & M8 only no ranges betwixt the two, how is that possible?
    Help Is welcome..
    Thank yous

    • Hello,

      If I understand your task correctly, please endeavour the following formula:


      Hope this will assistance you!

  31. living muhiirwe says:

    The plan is skillful. How can i make a print out on an excel canvas?

  32. camille says:

    How tin can i add +10 to all the corporeality that the column have. For case i had 120 and i desire to add together a value +10.. what formula can i use?

    • Pradeep says:

      Copy and paste the formula in all the column.

  33. Vijay Kumar says:

    i want to add together different values in a single cavalcade like1,ii,0,10 and column is total n in numbers . than how will we calculate information technology .

    I am not able to sending the screenshot,if i will share the screenshot it will e to see what i want

  34. ji says:

    this is stupid. people already know how to exercise this junk. how practice you sum up the entire cavalcade that could be two rows today and 34904it0934i860938663 rows tomorrow. why bother putting upward the same easy garbage that everyone else on hither has. exist original and exercise something useful.

  35. Karen says:

    I am trying to add a total of names in a spread sail. How exercise I become about doing that?

  36. lulubelle says:

    I am doing a item retail price list I need to catechumen each individual line total from wholesale to retail for example $34.00 needs to actually read $136.00 and so its the 1st toll x iv I'm new to using excel and don't really have time for researching the tutorials help pleas

    • Hi Lulubelle,
      if the totals are in J column (starting from J1) and you need to multiply them by 4 and return the result in column H, and so put the following formula in H1:
      To apply the formula to the whole column, position the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell with the formula, await until it turns into the plus sign, and then double-click the plus.

      If yous want to summate everything in the same column, you volition need to read this role of the commodity, since there are some important steps to follow.

  37. Binu says:

    Hello all,

    I need a formula where I can add column A and column B and then add together ten% of the total.

    For case: 10+x and 10% of the full (10+10) in column C.

    • Pradeep says:


  38. kapil says:

    how to add the 11-lx in excel in single field

  39. Ron says:

    I desire to get a total of the last number entered in cavalcade L and the final number entered in column J automatically. That sum needs to be entered in cavalcade L as presently equally I enter a number in column j.

    Example: column L final number entered on line 380 + last number entered in column J line 381. sum to be automated as soon as column J is entered. Want this to continue all the way until I finish all columns at end of work sheet.
    What is the formula (or macro) I need?

  40. Miguel Gareta García says:


    I have a doubt, although is not exactly about what is being discussed here... on summations in excel.
    I desire to add together the values of columns and rows,

    A B C
    A Ten one three
    B 2 X 8
    C 4 2 X

    To obtain: (A+B and B+A in their respective cells, etc)

    A B C
    A Ten 3 seven
    B three 10 10
    C vii 10 X

    I take been checking how but haven't establish nevertheless. The trouble is that I have huge matrices, that contain thousands of values, then I can't really do by paw one past one, plus I tin make errors continously due to mistaking lines...It would take me weeks...

    Could anyone tell me how to get this in an automated manner?

    Thank you very much!

    Best reagards,


  41. Bob Dozier says:

    I think this should be easy, just I can't seem to find a solution. If I have a cell that contains "=SUM(C9:C14)", what's the all-time way to automatically color fill up all of the cells in that range? Like to Crtl-[ merely automated. Thanks.

  42. Yasemin says:

    Could somebody help me in finding a formula that suits my needs? Through using conditional formatting, I used the highlight cell rule if it has text that contains key words. I want a formula to highlight the row in the same colour as the fundamental give-and-take column. E.g. if cells in column c contain the word Apple tree, highlight the cells greenish. If cells C8 and C12 contain that word, I so want those two rows (eight and 12) to highlight greenish. I apologise if the answer'south really obvious, I'grand just really stuck!

    • Hi Yasemin,

      Please try to exercise the following:
      1. Select cells with your data.
      3. Click Conditional Formatting -> New Dominion.
      4. Select the "Use a formula to decide which cells to format".
      5. In the Formula field type the following formula:
      =NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH("Apple", $C1)))
      6. Click the Format button to set the format you need.
      7. Click OK.

  43. rupesh Bhaje says:



    i accept to sum

    1200 cft (i take to mention amount & Measurment both in each sales )
    1300 cft
    1400 cft

    please inform me

  44. benito says:

    kako u excelu dobijene vrednosti zaokruziti na v ili 9
    npr. 27,2 =25 ili 27,six =29

    • Hello benito,

      You should use the following formula:
      =IF(Modernistic(A1, 5) >= 2.5, Quotient(A1, five) * v + iv, QUOTIENT(A1, 5) * 5)

  45. Dragan says:

    kako u excelu dobijene vrednosti zaokruziti na v ili 9
    npr. 27,2 =25 ili 27,vi =29

  46. Sugeetha says:

    if i want get a sum of cells information in a column (if information technology is in time format like 7:30, 1:45 what is the method please ?

    if i practice it normal manner it calculates up to 24:00 and full is a wrong effigy ?

  47. pavithra says:

    how to exercise outstanding corporeality. case: 1+1+one full = 3 outstanding 0

    delight communication

    • Hello pavithra,

      To be able to aid you meliorate please describe your task in more detail.

  48. Michele says:

    Is there a style to total the sums of only the highlighted cells in a spreadsheet? I accumulate my expenses for each of my jobs and and then highlight when the expense is received and then information technology would be prissy to be able to make up one's mind what expenses have been received already.

    • Howdy Michele,

      Delight testify us how your information looks similar.

  49. hemanth says:

    i want to count total x prison cell in single short i am using sum formula, my problem is in betwixt 2 prison cell have a formula that 2 cell values not count in full how to count 10 cell

  50. naponica skannal says:

    Good Afternoon, I wanted to know how do I capture all the full in line C.To add all totals together. I know I click on each total with the plus sign. It'due south but not working can you tell me what other keys I need to hold. Cheers

  51. Alberta says:

    Please help my on this formula
    I want every prison cell in the row more than 60 to give me the departure otherwise if it is lx than requite me a 0
    My formula looks like:
    =IF('TOTAL Week 1'!$D$4:$R$four>60;'Total WEEK one'!$D$4:$R$4-threescore;0)
    Just if give me only a result if it is more in the kickoff cell not in the following cells .
    Cheers in advance

  52. arman says:

    بسم الله الرّحمن الرّحیم
    thank you very much.
    It,s very good....

  53. francis says:

    How tin can you get the AutoSum of all fill column blocks.

  54. Rawa says:

    How-do-you-do, Is there any manner to change for instance =iv+4+v+6 to column like


    • Hi Rawa,

      First you need to use the Excel Text to Columns choice to get the numbers in split up cells. So utilize Paste Special -> Transpose.

  55. Raghu Setty says:

    when I insert information into columns and printing automobile sum, i get the total. But when I delete the data from i of the column, the total however remains the same. It doesn't change. How do i rectify this problem?

  56. Ryan says:


    The semi-manual approach to help transmission deletion would be to use Auto Filter or Sort to display sorted lists sorted by column C, then column B (where C is the aforementioned) and so column A (where the previous two are the same), then column D (where all are the aforementioned). This way you lot get a block of rows with Jane, Smith, Excel Training Basics, Engagement and can keep the latest date and delete the rest.

    The automated way would be to insert a new Worksheet to bear witness the latest training only, leaving previous training on your existing Worksheet, say "Sheet1". You could and then write a Visual Bones macro to copy rows from "Sheet1" into your new sheet, sort them and find the most recent dates of each instance where A, B, and C match up. Recording a macro where you manually invoke the appropriate Copy and Sort volition help you see which functions to phone call to automate it, but it's hardly a beginner'due south job.

    • Cheers for your assist, Ryan!

    • meshack says:

      Congratulations to yous, am quondam. estimator written report I enjoyed the program of ISU

  57. Amanda says:

    How-do-you-do, Svetlana,

    I'grand a bit stuck on finding a formula that will accommodate my needs. My spreadsheet has column A: outset name; column B: last name; cavalcade C: type of training; cavalcade D: engagement of preparation.

    I need a formula that will look at column A, B, and C and if they match whatever other row in column A, B, and C I need it to select the virtually recent date.

    this volition remove all duplicate preparation and keep only their most current grooming record.

    Any suggestions? i'm stumped on this one.

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Source: https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2014/10/31/excel-sum-column/

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